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12 Tips For Becoming A Charismatic & Unforgettable Leader
Success Advice
by Joel Brown -

Charisma is a great and wonderful talent to possess. A lot of people feel that Charisma is something only a handful are born with. Well they are wrong. You can learn it!

That is why we have decided to share with you ‘12 Tips For Becoming Charismatic & Unforgettable‘.

Be A More Charismatic Leader

1. Be aware of the 4 different charismatic styles

Here are the four different styles:

- Focus. This style is based on the perception of presence. Adopt this when you want people to feel like they’re the only ones in the room with you.

- Visionary. This kind of style makes other people feel inspired and appearance matters far less than with any other style.

- Kindness. This kind of charisma comes from body language and is based mostly on warmth. However, if you don’t combine this with some authoritative skills, you’ll come off as too overeager to please.

- Authority. This is the most powerful charisma style of them all and those who acquire it are not likeable all the time. We evaluate this power through four indicators: body language, appearance, title and reactions of others.

2. Gain experience outside of your comfort zone

Intentionally put yourself in uncomfortable situations so that you can deal with internal discomfort more effectively, this way you come across more experienced and as someone who deserves to be honored for his or her fearlessness.

3. Come prepared

You need to make time before the big event to warm up. Unless you are a fulltime pro at adjusting your state of mind you should arm yourself before hand with what you are going to say and how you are going to face the up and coming challenges head on.

It’s important not to leave your physical out of this to, even if this means you switch your iPod playlist from Jazz to Hard Rock or Clubbing music with some added in push ups or sprints to get you pumped before hand, this will get you warmed up and ready for the challenge.

4. Self doubt should be left out!

Those who suffer from self-doubt, reek of it! Throw it out the window, how is anybody going to believe in you if you do not believe in yourself.

The un-sureness in your actions and your voice will not be convincing enough to build the confidence needed in others to want to be around you.

5. Adjust for effectiveness

If your team or your companions are not all getting along, divide and conquer. You want to minimize as many of the distractions as you can.

Not everybody will be compatible together and you are not a psychologist who is able to counsel each and every person in to mutual understandings with one another. Your team needs to feel strong under your leadership and you do not want to lose momentum.

6. Listening is just as important as speaking

A great & charismatic leader will wait for others to finish speaking before they start. This shows that you are genuinely interested and committed to sharing your time with that person and that you are someone who is considerate of others opinions, whether they are considered good or bad.

Time is money and if you show you are investing your time in others, they will feel valued by you.

7. Keep the balance of a warm but powerful persona

With plenty of power comes the chance of delusion. Staying humble and respected is the #1 thing. This gives others no real excuses to hate you and can even be a characteristic that most would admire.

You do not need to be rude and over powering to gain a powerful status, look at Richard Branson who is Humble & Funny and the Dalai Lama who is Kind & Compassionate. This is proof that you can hold such a powerful status without being arrogant and bossy.

8. Comparison is pointless

Don’t compare yourself to others. You are showing your insecurities and immaturity through comparison, it’s a low blow.

The facts speak for themselves and you would not have to use someone else’s name at their expense if you where confident in yourself. People want someone who is sure of themselves, this inspires others to be sure of themselves also and that they can trust that one day you won’t be comparing yourself to them in an unruly manner.

9. Body language speaks for itself

Are your arms crossed or are you slouching? Are you yawning or forgetting a firm but not too uncomfortable handshake when you greet others? All of these points are to be taken into account as some forget that the body also talks and that others sub consciously pick up on the language that you present, even when it is not leaving your mouth.

Be careful of how you stand and present yourself around others. If you are trying to avoid confrontation, try to sit on a 90-degree angle or side by side someone as this is less confrontational than directly across or in front of the person you are negotiating with.

10. Off with the fairies

Experts say that our minds tend to ‘wander’ 47% of the time. Usually this is when we are uninterested or distracted by stress and imagination. Our bodies do not know the difference between imagination and reality and react to what our mind is telling us. When we wander our micro expressions show others that we are not tuned in to the conversation at hand and that we are neglecting the engagement that is expected.

Be mindful of the ‘wander’ as it can show we are not in sync with the conversator and can come across as inconsiderate.

11. Compliments go a long way

Make the other person in the room feel like a million bucks. Compliment their intelligence, their dress sense or their achievements. This will make people feel confident in your presence and will link that likeable feel good feeling to when they where hanging out with you.

Not only that, If you have made them feel good about themselves, it usually is a reciprocated feeling, so you will also feel great and it will show as it comes off that big pearly white smile on your face.

Just don’t go overboard otherwise you may sound a little too obsessive.

12. Looks can kill

If you have Nice clothes, a good hand shake, clean teeth, styled hair, a great posture, stay fit and eat healthy, then your presentation side of things should be golden. Your outside presentation is a big reflection of how you feel on the inside.

People are respectful of those who have respect for themselves and looking after yourself is a sure fire way of showing it.

Remember, the number one key in being charismatic and unforgettable is to be mindful of others. No one has time for someone else who is all about themselves.

Be someone of meaning and substance. Offer your hand, your heart or your time to others and you will be remembered.



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