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5 red flags you must never ignore in your relationship

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Relationships are meant to make you better but when they bring out the worst in you, it is better to recognise those signs and take extra caution
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Couple fighting
There are certain set of rules that guides all relationships which makes it really challenging for couples but it also doesn't mean that you can't discern between right or wrong in your relationship.
This means you must know what you stand for and learn based on older people's advice, previous experiences or experiences of other couples and what you read.
Relationships are meant to make you better but when they bring out the worst in you, it is better to recognise those signs and take extra caution.
Compiled by Beliefnet, here are 5 red flags couples must never ignore in their relationships:
  1. Anger Management: A study conducted by psychologists deemed that 1 in 5 people (20%) say that they have ended a relationship or friendship with someone because of how they behaved when they were angry. Every year 4,774,000 women in the U.S. experience physical violence by an intimate partner every year - and to keep things in perspective, those are just the women that reported the domestic violence act. If anger flare ups are an issue with your relationship, seek out help and leave the relationship. No person is worth your well being.
  2. Lying: Lying is a major red flag that should never be ignored. If you're always catching your partner in a lie, big or small, then there is a major issue. Lying causes hurt and distrust which is a direct result of a lie. You cannot be in a relationship that causes you to constantly question everything. It's not healthy to live in fear or question that your partner is lying to you. The emotional and physical outcome of a lie can be detrimental to the current and future relationships for both participants.
  3. Downer: Do you struggle with never being good enough? No matter what lengths you take, you're still not good enough - in the eyes of your partner. When your best efforts do not meet your partner's standards and are not valued - there is a red flag flashing.
  4. Forced Change: If change is being imposed on you, then you should address the issue and think about ending the relationship. You are your own person and no one should try to make you something that you're not. Your individuality makes you special and is what you bring to the table. Stay true to yourself, embrace the evolution of your soul but on your own terms.
  5. The Gut Feeling: Some refer to it as intuition, others say it's your gut - no matter what you call it, if it's not a good feeling then you should probably walk away. We are all wired differently but everyone has a voice that speaks silently. The voice acts as our internal guide towards good and away from bad. Never shut your inner voice off - listen and go with it.

Couple fighting


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