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MOTIVATIONAL:5 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated

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5 Ways To Stay Motivated
Everybody can recognize motivation when somebody truly has it. All the signs are there: passion, work ethic, never truly switching off.  
But how can motivation be developed and retained?
Passion and belief in your work is only the first step. Obstacles can diminish the confidence and motivation of even the most passionate of individuals.
Motivation is a roller coaster ride to say the least. Some factors to improve motivation are external to you.
If you really want to make something work in your business and professional life, it is important that you have a good social network of support, whether his is one special person, a partner or family member, or a group of good friends that can be on hand to offer great advice.
Social support is a significant factor when you want to reach a goal.
Not everybody has the right kind of support network around them to thrive in their ideas. If need be seek additional advice from a life coach or join a group to meet like-minded professionals in order to get mental stimulation of the best kind.
Physical Environment counts too. A bright airy office or room with little distractions can aid focus. Use innovation and design your ideal workspace, even if it is just an office or even a desk at home.
Once these external factors have been implemented, it is time to look within.
We aren’t talking about intense meditation activities. Just simple ways of thinking that act as motivational kick-starters.

1. Turn negatives into positives

That set back? It’s just an opportunity to do things differently. Any problems that occur, you can use these not only to grow as a person, but also to grow your business idea or take it in a different direction.
If viewed negatively, all your energy will be wasted on negative thoughts. Think optimistically and take it as an opportunity to further your craft or idea so it is even better.
“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” – Wayne Dyer

2. Be fearless

This means no dwelling on decisions. Jump right in there.
Set a standard decision making process for yourself; if it means you can’t fulfill your talents, it’s a no.
Anything else is an opportunity you should commit to chasing.

3. No more complaining

Let’s be honest. We all love a good rant, vocally or internally. This again is a time waster.
Instead use the fuel from your complaint, to brainstorm a new idea for improvement.
If you are complaining about something you can’t change; drag your thoughts elsewhere, there is always something to improve upon.
Talent management means looking for new opportunities to channel your talent and ideas into.

4. Be grateful

A grateful person is usually a happy person. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t compare your ideas to someone else’s ideas.
Instead be grateful for your talents, your friends and family, your perseverance and that you have been inspired to even get this far.
This will create more motivation and additionally make you a pleasant person to be around.
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

5. Be kind to yourself

Positive motivation comes from rewarding yourself. Take an evening off, do what you enjoyed before or spend quality time with your loved ones.
Reward yourself, even for little things. It’s all indicative of just how far you have come.

Motivation comes from within, but there is not a one size fits all model so you need to broaden your horizons or ideas.
It is relative to your surroundings and goals. Obstacles are bound to happen. These are not reflective of you, nor do they define you. See each obstacle as a new opportunity and jump right in.
Use all of these ideas to manage a change in your talents as well as emotional intelligence development.

Have these steps helped you? What practical strategies would you add to this list?


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